This section provides information regarding your stay in Indonesia during The COVID-19 situation. Nationwide protocols regarding travel during the pandemic are issued by the COVID-19 Task Force and The Ministry of Home Affairs.
As of August 25, 2022, domestic travelers are only required to use the government issued PeduliLindungi mobile app to show proof that they are eligible for domestic travel.
It should be noted however that a number of other basic health protocols for domestic travel during the COVID-19 pandemic are still effective, namely:
That travelers above the age of 18 are required to have their booster shots.
That non-Indonesian travelers above the age of 18 must already have their second shots.
That Indonesian travelers between the age of 6 and 17 must already have their second shots.
That non-Indonesian travelers between the age of 6 and 17 are exempt from mandatory vaccination.
That travelers below the age of 6 are exempt from mandatory vaccination but are only allowed to travel with a guardian who have met the necessary COVID-19 health protocol requirements.
The Indonesian National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) has approved these seven vaccines:
- Sinovac
- Bio Farma
- AstraZeneca
- Sinopharm
- Moderna
- Pfizer
- Sputnik V
The prevailing lockdown protocol in Indonesia during the COVID-19 situation is known as PPKM (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat or Public Activity Restriction). Businesses must follow the current state of PPKM as it is implemented by the government, which may change based on the COVID-19 situation. Wearing a mask is highly recommended when you are in public places, especially when indoors.
Another highly important part of the government’s health protocol is the the state-sanctioned PeduliLindungi App and the electronic Health Alert Card (eHAC) feature integrated within the PeduliLindungi app. All foreigners must have their eHAC completed for all domestic travel within Indonesia. Furthermore, in order to gain access into public spaces, every individual must record their entry by scanning the QR code of the public space provided at the entrance using the app. Checking out must be done manually from within the app.
The App is also available in English. Watch here to know how to register your PeduliLindungi App: Peduli Lindungi - How To Register
Level 1
- Non-essential sectors are allowed to have 75% of their workforce working in the office if they have received their vaccination
- Essential sectors apply 100% working from office divided into two shifts with strict health protocols
- Daily essentials stores are allowed to open at 75% capacity
- Malls and indoor restaurants are allowed to open at 75% capacity until 9pm
Level 2
- Non-essential sectors are allowed to have 50% of their workforce working from the office if they have received their vaccination
- Essential sectors apply 100% working from office divided into two shifts with strict health protocols
- Daily essentials stores are allowed to open at 75% capacity until 9pm
- Malls and indoor restaurants are allowed to open at 75% capacity until 8pm
Level 3
- Non-essential sectors must apply 100% working from home
- Essential sectors apply 100% working from office divided into two shifts with strict health protocols
- Daily essentials stores are allowed to open at 50% capacity until 8pm
- Malls are allowed to open at 25% capacity until 5pm. Indoor restaurants may only serve delivery/take away orders
Level 4
- Non-essential sectors apply 100% working from home
- Essential sectors operate 50% full shift and 100% working from office for critical activities with strict health protocols
- Daily essentials stores are allowed to open at 50% capacity until 8pm
- Malls are not allowed to open. Pharmacies or drug stores and indoor restaurants may only serve delivery/take away orders