Indonesia and the Federal Republic of Germany Announce Joint Declaration of Intent on Health Cooperation
25 Feb 2021

This is the first agreement on health cooperation between the two countries. The JD will be focusing on areas such as health services, disease prevention and control, public health, pharmaceutical and medical devices, and development of human resources in the health sector.
The JD is signed by HE. Mr. Budi G Sadikin, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and HE. Mrs. Sabine Weiss, MdB, the Parliamentary Secretary of State of the Federal Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany. Further specific details of joint cooperation activities, projects, and/or programs under this JD will be arranged in the separate arrangements by the Joint Working Group (JWG).
Indonesia’s Minister of Health HE. Mr. Budi G. Sadikin: “Today is a memorable day in the history of health cooperation between Indonesia and the Federal Republic of Germany. We hope that the implementation of the JD could bring the most beneficial outputs for both countries as the covid-19 pandemic has given us an important experience and international cooperation will bring us together to fight this pandemic successfully”.
The Parliamentary Secretary of State, of the Federal Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany, HE. Mrs. Sabine Weiss, MdB, said: Wir freuen uns außerordentlich, dass die guten Beziehungen unserer beiden Länder durch die Unterzeichnung der JD nun auch bei der Zusammenarbeit im Gesundheitsbereich weiter gestärkt werden. Mit Blick auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft können Indonesien und Deutschland viel voneinander lernen – und gemeinsam viel erreichen. Ich denke hier insbesondere an die Prävention und Bekämpfung von Krankheiten und die Bewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie.
“We are very pleased that the good relations between our two countries will now also be further strengthened in the area of cooperation in the health sector through the signing of the JD. With a view to the challenges of the future, Indonesia and Germany can learn a lot from each other - and achieve a lot together. I am thinking in particular of disease prevention and control and the management of the COVID 19 pandemic.”
His Excellency’s Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Germany, HE. Mr. Arif Havas Oegroseno, said: “It is very timely for Indonesia and Germany to engage with each other in the field of health cooperation. The current pandemic is indeed an enormous challenge for all countries in the world that puts extra pressure on their health sector. But this Indonesia-Germany Joint Declaration on Health Cooperation will sure go beyond the issue of Covid-19. It will also be the basis for future cooperation on development of health services and health-related technology. Medical equipment and pharmaceutical will be two of Indonesia’s seven priority sectors during the upcoming Hannover Messe 2021 in which Indonesia will be the partner country. I am anticipating to witness a great number of business and investment deals between German and Indonesian health-tech companies.”
His Excellency the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Indonesia, Dr. Peter Schoof, said: “The mutual benefit of the Joint Declaration on Health Cooperation is very important. This counts especially against the backdrop of the current pandemic, which clearly showed that we all can only win, if we join our forces. German scientists will be eager to learn from Indonesian experience and vice-versa. German companies are ready to play a role in the modernization of the Indonesian health system, as we also encourage Indonesian companies to market their innovations in Germany.”