This Week's Headlines (2 - 8 Jul 2022)
08 Jul 2022

Coordinating Minister Luhut Pandjaitan: Booster vaccine as
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment and the country’s PPKM (lockdown)
The decision refers to the results of a limited cabinet meeting led by President Joko Widodo
“The government will re-implement incentive and disincentive policy by changing and applying
“Furthermore, the government will also be re-applying booster vaccination as a requirement for
Data from various sources found a significant increase of daily cases of COVID-19 in several
Nevertheless, Indonesia was still ranked lowest in terms of daily cases per population when
Based on data from PeduliLindungi - the Indonesian government health survellance app –
Amidst the increasing number of cases, the low rate of booster shots was considered a
“To drive people to take their booster shots, the requirement for travel and to enter public
“Vaccination centers such as airports, train stations, terminals and shopping centers would
The Deputy Chief of COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee
This is done to prevent another outbreak and to mitigate future risks.
“The government is still and will continue to enforce the lockdown rules in Java and Bali for
Luhut reminded everyone of the public’s role, which continues to be the key element of
“For that reason, from the bottom of my heart, I beg those of you who have not have had
Source: Kontan |
Forex Reserves Moves Up in June, but Further Rupiah
Bank Indonesia, the country's central bank, reported an increase in the country's foreign
"The increase of official reserve assets position in June 2022 was influenced, amongst others,
Erwin said that the reserves were enough to cover 6.6 months of imports or 6.4 months if the
"Bank Indonesia considers the official reserve assets position ample to support the external
"Moving forward, Bank Indonesia views that the official reserve assets remain adequate,
Investors and traders closely monitor the foreign exchange reserves position to gauge
The government issued the so-called Samurai Bonds, denominated in Japanese yen,
Indonesia also experiences spillover effects from the uneasiness among foreign investors
Since May, foreign investors have sold a total of Rp 68 trillion in their Indonesian stocks
Rupiah has also depreciated by more than 5 percent since then. The currency was traded
Further Depreciation Expected
Bhima Yudisthira, an economist at Jakarta-based think tank Center of Economic and Law
"For example, Citigroup's projection regarding the global recession risk is now at 50 percent
Bhima asked the government to prepare for the worst scenario. Domestic inflation could
Indonesia urged the G20 on Friday to help end the war in Ukraine, as foreign ministers from
The buildup to the gathering on the Indonesian island of Bali has been dominated by the war
Shouts of "When will you stop the war" and "Why don't you stop the war" were heard as
Underlining tensions in the buildup, Retno said earlier G7 counterparts had informed her they
"It is our responsibility to end the war sooner than later and settle our differences at the
Invoking Indonesia's religious diversity as a example of how divergent beliefs can co-exist
A senior official for the Indonesian foreign ministry told Reuters no communique was
"With Russia’s presence and participation, certainly I doubt there would be consensus
For Lavrov, the G-20 gathering is the first opportunity to attend a multilateral event involving
In a move reflecting the ill-feeling toward Russia, a customary group photo of the ministers
In contrast with the G-20 finance chiefs' meeting in April in Washington and some other major
Russia's invasion has cast a cloud over Indonesia's presidency of the Group of 20 largest
Retno said late on Thursday it was important for the host to "create an atmosphere that's
Lavrov was seated between representatives from Saudi Arabia and Mexico at Friday's
Meanwhile, the EU will prevent Russia using a G20 meeting in Bali as a "propaganda forum"
Energy and food crises exacerbated by Russia's invasion "feature prominently on the agenda
Russian President Vladimir "Putin's appalling war of aggression against Ukraine excludes
"We refute Russian disinformation and its attempt to use the G20 as a propaganda forum."
Borrell has no meeting scheduled with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during the
While the EU, the United States and Western partners have snubbed Russian delegations
But Massrali said that "Russia's high level political participation at the G20 meeting may
She added: "We are committed to ensuring the success of the G20 forum ministerial in Bali,
Indonesia, the G20's host country, has invited Putin to a follow-up summit in Bali in November
But in an effort to balance that event it has also invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Massrali said there was no question of the EU boycotting the G20, calling it "too important
"We need to ensure that multilateralism can work in times of crisis," she said, quoted by AFP. Source: The Jakarta Post