This Week's Headlines (5 - 11 Nov 2022)
11 Nov 2022

Local industries cut staff, spending as global slowdown
Companies in many sectors have begun to lay off workers to stay afloat, a stark reminder that
Export-oriented industries are predictably among the hardest hit, with many reporting sales
Footwear and textile industries that depend heavily on the United States and European markets
Because of the bleak outlook, the domestic electronics industry is bracing for what it anticipates
Tens of thousands of workers have reportedly been dismissed across the country, and further
The Manpower Ministry said at least 10,700 workers had been laid off nationwide during the first
“There have been at least 25,700 layoffs in the footwear industry alone. The number is way
“During COVID-19, demand was still available, but restrictions made it difficult to meet it. Now it
Apindo’s West Java branch, for example, recorded at least 73,000 layoffs across 126 firms as of
So far, layoffs have been concentrated in West Java, a province home to producers working for
Apindo’s Central Java branch head Frans Kongi said on Wednesday that layoffs were occurring
Global economy projections for next year have mostly been revised down over the past few
Josua Pardede, chief economist at private-sector lender Bank Permata, said on Thursday the
Export-oriented industries and manufacturers of durable goods were experiencing a heavier
Domestically, industries operating in regions with high minimum wages may face greater risk
This may result in some relocation of industries to regions of the country with lower minimum
In response, businesses and associations have urged the government to take action to protect
They also called for a more dovish monetary policy after recent interest rate hikes decided by
“The world is not okay. That’s not from me, the President himself says so. Many buyers have
Furthermore, businesses are pushing both the government and lawmakers to allow them to put
Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah said on Tuesday that she had urged firms to look for
However, Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) president Said Iqbal contested
He said on Wednesday that employers may be intentionally using the threat of layoffs as a
Source: The Jakarta Post
G20 host Indonesia says Putin may seek to join summit virtually
Russian President Vladimir Putin will join next week's G20 leaders summit "if the situation is
Joko Widodo, who is this year's chair of the bloc of major economies, said Putin during a phone
"But if not ... maybe he'll ask to do it virtually," Jokowi, as the Indonesian president is popularly
The Financial Times newspaper earlier quoted Jokowi as saying that his conversation with Putin
The Bali meeting is expected to be dominated by tensions over Russia's invasion of Ukraine,
The Indonesian foreign ministry and presidential palace did not immediately respond to requests
As G20 host, Indonesia has resisted pressure from Western countries and Ukraine to disinvite
Jokowi in an interview with the Financial Times said Russia was welcome at the summit, which
"The G20 is not meant to be a political forum. It's meant to be about economics and
Indonesia has also invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who has said he would
Several other world leaders, including U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi
Source: Reuters
Indonesia Plans to Tighten Oversight of Crypto Market,
Indonesia plans to move the regulation, supervision and oversight of cryptocurrency investments
Currently, the Trade Ministry and the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency jointly
The new plan, laid out by Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, is part of financial sector
The use of cryptocurrency assets as a means of payment is illegal in Indonesia, but transactions
Sri Mulyani said as of June, there were 15.1 million cryptocurrency investors in the country, an
"We need to build a mechanism of supervision and investor protection that is quite strong and
The new bill would empower OJK to regulate and supervise "digital asset activities, including
Parliament officially submitted the bill to the government in September. Thursday's meeting was
The bill will be passed into law after both the legislative and executive branches agreed on all
Parliament's proposals also contain provisions to widen the central bank's mandate to include
Sri Mulyani said she supported the proposal, but also underlined the importance of the
"It is important for us to continue to provide signals that independence and credibility of
Source: Kontan