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Additional Legal Information Articles

Please see the official sources for all up-to-date regulations and follow all information provided by travel agencies and/or airlines.   This section provides information regarding your sta ...
Agribusiness Articles

The purpose of the following report is to present an overview of the agriculture industry in Indonesia and to highlight potential opportunities for businesses. The agriculture industry (in this articl ...
Agritech has massive potential in Indonesia News

Amid Indonesia's push towards becoming an industrialized nation, it’s easy to overlook another major pillar of the country’s economic strength: Agriculture.
Airlangga: G20 must bridge the interests of both developed and emerging countries News

Indonesia in its presidency of the G20, as well as its member countries, will promote the economic recovery of the world in the post-pandemic era and make the global economy stronger and more ...
Apple and Microsoft CEOs to meet Jokowi this April News

CEO of Apple Inc. Tim Cook and CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella, are scheduled for a meeting with President Joko Widodo in Jakarta, Indonesia, as confirmed by Nezar Patria, Deputy Minister of
Artha Industrial Hill Business

Artha Industrial Hill (AIH) is located in the middle of industrial zones in Teluk Jambe Dictrict, Karawang Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. AIH is a newly Exclusive Industrial Estate with 390 h ...
Audit and Accounting Articles

The five types of limited iability companies (banks and financial institutions, publicly listed companies, companies issuing debt, state-owned companies and companies with assets worth at least IDR 50 ...
B. Braun Medical Indonesia PT Business

Founded in Germany in 1839, B. Braun is a leading global healthcare company. With 64,000 B. Braun employees in 64 countries, B. Braun’s vision is to protect and improve the health of people around t ...
B20 Summit closes with final communique, policy recommendations and actions News

The closing of the Business 20 (B20) Summit in Bali on November 14, 2022, ended with the issuance of a final communique, a 25-point policy recommendation. The communique